As stated in Section III.F. Questions Regarding Eligibility (page 29) of the Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), “DOE will not make eligibility determinations for potential Applicants prior to the date on which applications to this FOA must be submitted. The decision of whether to submit an application in response to this FOA lies solely with the Applicant.”
However, for your purposes in making that decision, we offer the following based on the limited information provided in your question:
As defined under Section I.B. and under Appendix A, ““Clean Energy Generating System(s)," for the purposes of this FOA include: (1) renewable energy system(s), or (2) combined heat and power systems(s) using renewable fuels such as biomass, biogas, renewable natural gas, or renewable hydrogen.
As defined under Appendix A,
(1) Renewable energy system(s) for electric power generation include, but are not limited to, photovoltaic (solar electric), biomass (including waste to energy), wind power, hydropower (diversion, run-of-river, small impoundment and incremental), or other renewable energy hybrid systems for electricity power generation. Note that, for purposes of this FOA, ground or air source heat pumps are considered an energy efficiency measure, and
(2) Heating or cooling system(s) include, but are not limited to, the use of biomass for high efficiency combustion systems (i.e., stoves and boilers), active solar thermal systems for space or water heating, wind energy for heating, direct-use hydrothermal (geothermal) resources for water and space heating, or other renewable energy hybrid systems for heating and/or cooling."
Also as defined under Appendix A, ““Combined Heat and Power System(s)," for the purposes of this FOA include, but are not limited to, integrated systems that simultaneously generate heat and power using energy efficient turbines, reciprocating engines, micro-turbines, fuel cells, or waste heat recovery systems (capturing heat discarded by an existing process and using that heat directly or to generate power). Combined heat and power systems may be fueled by any fuel source (natural gas, landfill or sewage gas, fuel and gas oils, coal, lignite, coke, biomass or biogas, renewable natural gas, renewable hydrogen, solid waste, waste gases, or waste process heat)."
Additionally, for the purposes of this FOA, the technology must be considered “commercially-proven,” meaning the technology must be at least a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of 9. As defined in the FOA, TRL 9 is “Commercial-Scale Production/Application” and represents an in-service application of the technology in its final form and under mission conditions. At TRL 9, the actual, commercial-scale system is proven through successful mission operations, whereby it is fielded and being used in commercial application. Information relative to the technology and its TRL should be provided as part of the application. For more on TRL, see
Therefore, if nuclear power does not fall under the definitions of eligible technologies identified above or any other requirements of the FOA, then it would not eligible under this FOA.