Under this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), the DOE Office of Indian Energy is soliciting applications from Indian Tribes, which include Alaska Native Regional Corporations and Village Corporations, Intertribal Organizations, and Tribal Energy Development Organizations to:
(1) Install clean energy generating system(s) and/or energy efficiency measure(s) for Tribal building(s) (Topic Area 1); or,
(2) Deploy community-scale clean energy generating system(s) or community energy storage on Tribal lands (Topic Area 2); or,
(3) Install integrated energy system(s) for autonomous operation (independent of the traditional centralized electric power grid) to power a single or multiple essential Tribal buildings during emergency situations or for tribal community resilience (Topic Area 3); or,
(4) Provide electric power to Tribal Building(s), which otherwise would be unelectrified (Topic Area 4).
See Section III.A. of the FOA for eligibility information and Appendix A for the definitions.
Unless DOE approves a requested cost share reduction from 20% to 10%, all Applicants are required to provide non-federal cost share of at least 20% of the total allowable costs of the project (i.e., the sum of the federal share and the non-federal Recipient cost share of allowable costs equals the total allowable cost of the project). Cost share reduction requests of less than 10% of the total project costs will not be considered. If requested by the Applicant as part of its application, a cost share reduction from 20% to 10% may be considered based on financial need, specifically (1) poverty rate, or (2) median household income of the tribal community as a percentage of statewide median household income. (see Section III.B.2. of the FOA and ‘Application Forms and Templates’ for this FOA on IE-Exchange).
DOE expects to make approximately $50 million of federal funding available for new awards under this FOA. DOE anticipates making approximately 10 to 20 awards under this FOA. DOE may issue awards in one, multiple, or none of the Topic Areas.
See the FOA document for a full description.
All modifications to the Funding Opportunity Announcement are highlighted in yellow in the body of the FOA.
Modification 0001
Changes include updates to the following sections:
Section II.A.1. (Estimated Funding) – At the end of paragraph 5 for Subtopic Area 3.a. (Powering Essential Tribal Building(s), add a parenthesis after Building(s) and change $2,000,000 to $2,500,000 (page 30).
Modification 0002
Changes include updates to the following sections:
1. Executive Summary under Total Amount to be Awarded in Table 1 on page 1 – Change the approximate amount of federal funds from ‘$25 million’ to ‘$50 million’ and change the number of anticipated awards from ‘5 to 10’ to ’10 to 20’.
2. Section II.A.1 (Estimated Funding) – In the first sentence, change the approximate amount of federal funds from ‘$25 million’ to ‘$50 million’ and in the third sentence change the number of anticipated awards from ‘5 to 10’ to ‘10 to 20’ (page 30).
3. Under DOE Office of Indian Energy Requirements – Under the third bullet of the second paragraph (Post Award Reporting Requirements) on page 5 change “(one-week in duration plus travel days)” to “(typically five days in duration plus travel days)”.
IE-Exchange is designed to enforce the deadlines specified in this FOA. The “Apply” and “Submit” buttons will be automatically disabled at the defined submission deadlines.
Applicants that experience issues with submission PRIOR to the FOA deadline (in the event that an Applicant experiences technical difficulties with a submission), the Applicant should contact the Exchange helpdesk for assistance ( The Exchange helpdesk will assist Applicants in resolving issues. However, those Applicants who are unable to submit their applications because they are submitting them at the last minute, when network traffic is at its heaviest, will not be eligible for assistance from the Exchange helpdesk.
Upon the issuance of a FOA, DOE personnel are prohibited from communicating (in writing or otherwise) with Applicants regarding the FOA except through the established question and answer process as described below. Specifically, questions regarding the content of this FOA must be submitted to: not later than three (3) business days prior to the application due date. All questions and answers related to this FOA will be posted on the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) webpage on IE-Exchange.
Informational Webinar:
An informational webinar was held March 14, 2024 to provide information on the FOA to potential applicants. View the webinar and download presentation slides here:
Clean Energy Technology Deployment on Tribal Lands – 2024 FOA Webinar | Department of Energy
Note: If you are having difficulty downloading Adobe forms (SF-424 and SF-LLL) under “Application Forms and Templates’, either (1) try a different browser such as Edge or Chrome, or (2) go to your browser ‘settings’ or ‘more’ (top right corner) depending on the browser and ‘clear browsing data’ and depending on the browser either select ‘cookies and other site data’ or ‘clear data’. For Microsoft Edge instructions, see Delete Cookies in Microsoft Edge. For Chrome instructions, see Clear Cache and Cookies from Chrome.